Wednesday, September 25, 2013

School of Ministry: Here I come!!!


I hope your summer has been going well. My summer has been a blast!

I wanted to share with you what an amazing journey I’ve been on these past few months. As you may or may not already know, I have been interning with Atlanta Christian Assembly (ACA) as a worship leader since January 2013. Through this internship, I was able to attend Atlanta Dream Center’s (ADC) School of Worship.

During my time at the School of Worship, I was able to learn some technical aspects of leading worship and gain a few spiritual insights through the classes. I was also able to hear about the Dream Center’s School of Ministry. The School of Ministry is a three year* discipleship program where I’ll be able to study the Word of God, gain practical ministry experience while getting insight on my calling and passion in worship ministry.

In the past 10 years, the School of Ministry has produced hundreds of graduates that have gone all across the nation serving Christ in His Kingdom. As a School of Ministry student, I will take what I have learned in the classroom and small groups to minister to the homeless, children, prostitutes, single moms, drug dealers, and the average man on the street. After much prayer and consideration, I feel confident that the Lord is leading me to this school to grow in pursuit of Him and understand more about my calling in His kingdom.
I have started my first year at the Atlanta Dream Center School of Ministry in September.

I am excited and looking forward to this journey, and having you partner along with me. More than anything, I covet your prayers as I start this new chapter in the School of Ministry. I can't wait to share all that God's gonna be doing in my LIFE!!! :D

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

First Day of School :)

Hi everyone!

     I thank God for everything He has done for me. I just wanted to keep you all up to date with everything in my life school wise. I had started out by wanting to be a nurse. I've always wanted to be a nurse because I've wanted to help people, and I thought nursing was the best way to go. So I started out college at GSU with classes that were required to get into the program. I truly enjoyed the classes, I really did. After one year, I applied and was denied. So, I thought "That's ok! I just need to try harder." Since I never studied in high school, it was a little difficult to study for hours and hours, but I did and it paid off. So I applied again, but still got denied. So said to myself, "That's ok. I shall try another time because I don't think I tried my hardest."
     As I began studying some more, I started asking, "Lord, is this it?" "Is this really for me?" "Am I really supposed to be doing this, and if so why isn't anything working out?" At this point I ran out of prerequisite classes to take, so I skipped a semester of school so I could think up of some classes to take the next semester. This went on to my fourth year of college. Here I am a college student in her fourth year and nothing to show for it; no diploma, no major, not even a certificate. But I want to let you know, even though I was disheartened, God had something GREAT in mind.

     He had been putting things together so I could be a worship leader at my church. [If you didn't know, I've been singing all my life, and I have been singing on the worship team for a while now.] So, this is great! God has opened doors and closed some doors. What is amazing is that I was actually prayed over when I was one that God would use my voice for His glory. He had already planned that before I was even born. Isn't that CRAZY!! I mean seriously cray craYYY : P 
     God had all this planned, where every 'i' was dotted and every 't' was crossed. So, what's the problem? Well, my dad actually pastors another church, and I didn't want to disrespect him and just agree to being a worship leader at different church. I didn't want my dad to feel obligated in letting me go. BUT GOD IS GREAT! When I finally mustered enough courage to talk with mom and dad, they had immediately said "YES!" Man! I was relieved. God was already working in their hearts even before I had decided to speak with them. The Lord is the greatest mastermind. He thinks of everything, even the smallest detail.
     So, now the same college student who was lost and didn't know whether nursing was for her, started her first day of worship school today! It's great! I'm an intern at Atlanta Christian Assembly, and I am also working towards learning more about my Jesus. He has been showing a little of Himself at a time because He knows I won't be able to handle all of Him. : P 
     God is so great! I know I'm repeating myself, but I don't know what else to do to make you understand what He has done in my life. I can't wait to continue to learn more about Him, and for Him to continue to show Himself to me each and every day. 

Hope you all have a Wonderful Wednesday!

P.S. I will hopefully keep you updated :)

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Sorry I haven't been on for soooooooo long..... but I just wanted to share this picture with you all :)

Sometimes it's very difficult to do just that. We must remember God is with us through EVERYTHING, even the hallway.
Cool Grey Outer Glow Pointer